Gem CM
The new generation Cashpower Gem Compact Meter (CM) is a single-phase, keypad-based, prepayment meter in British Standard housing. Lire la suite…
The Gem CM is suitable for new reticulation as well as retrofitting of existing electro-mechanical meters (e.g. Ferraris meters).
User interaction with the meter, and access to meter information (such as a low credit warning, energy consumption, and load contactor status) is available using the keypad and large LCD display. The meter makes use of clear, language-independent icons on the display.
Optical interface
As a standard feature, the Gem family offers an IEC 62056-21 compliant optical communications port. This allows the utility to access a variety of information stored inside the meter, and to upload it to a hand-held unit.
Interrogation port
As a customer option, more detailed information and programming is achieved via the standard interrogation port at the rear of the meter.
Tamper detection
The Gem CM is mechanically sealed against tampering through the use of a fac
- Compact meter design with British Standard layout
- Easy to install and ideal for new reticulation as well as retrofitting of credit meters with BS footprints
- Proven Cashpower keypad technology
- Meter provides valuable information to help consumers effectively manage and budget their electricity consumption
- Tamper detection
- Significant Reverse Energy (SRE) detection
- Programmable software power limit
- Advanced commissioning / decommissioning feature
- STS compliant
- Language independent user interface
- Improved sealing against ingress of insects
- High surge withstand capability for areas prone to lightning or other line surges
- SABS 1524 and IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21 compliant
- Global